(Selected works/ full portfolio available upon request)

Relatos con fondo de agua

w/ Max Milà Serra
leds, motors, metal mesh, wire, water, aluminum, iron, paper, resine

For Mayrit bienal

At Casa Antillón, Madri

kit para el anochecer

aluminum, paper, fabric, led, wood a
nd others

Caja cuentacuentos

paper, print, fabrik, led, iron


w/ Max Milà Serra

lamp with rotating system and shadow projection

motor, wire, mesh, led

Wicked Trio


Cajita de música - Music box

interactive piece with sound

porcelain,  alumminium

Fuente de noche w/Max Milà Serra

16 battery powered fountains as centerpieces

Photography by María Gaminde


Piramidón Centre d’Art Contemporani, Barcelona

Text: Laura Olea López/ Light design: Max Milà Serra/

Photography by Kevin Sake

Solar timekeeper w/ Milà Serra

motors, led, stones, iron

Photography by María Gaminde

Mesita de noche

mixed materials, limestone, lintern,

temperer wire