(Selected works/ full portfolio available upon request)

Relatos con fondo de agua

w/ Max Milà Serra
leds, motors, metal mesh, wire, water, aluminum, iron, paper, resine

For Mayrit bienal

At Casa Antillón, Madrid

kit para el anochecer

aluminum, paper, fabric, led, wood and others

Caja cuentacuentos

paper, print, fabrik, led, iron


w/ Max Milà Serra

lamp with rotating system and shadow projection

motor, wire, mesh, led

Wicked Trio

Cajita de música - Music box

interactive piece with sound

porcelain,  alumminium

Fuente de noche w/Max Milà Serra

16 battery powered fountains as centerpieces

Photography by María Gaminde


Piramidón Centre d’Art Contemporani, Barcelona

Text: Laura Olea López/ Light design: Max Milà Serra/

Photography by Kevin Sake

Solar timekeeper w/ Milà Serra

motors, led, stones, iron

Photography by María Gaminde

Mesita de noche

mixed materials, limestone, lintern, emperer wire